Genre Research: Cinderella The Amazon Original
Hello, today we are researching Fantasy Movies so we have a better idea of what our opening sequence will look like. The first movie we are researching is Cinderella, made by Amazon.
The common sounds that we found in cinderella, was dialogue, and diegetic sound, along with singing. We did notice that in most fantasy moves it opens with some kind of narration, like a storybook. In this movie it did it as well, it also broke into sound and dance within the first 15 to 25 seconds in.
One of the common camera angles was a bird's eye view, so the audience could see the different movements the actors were doing as they danced. Another common camera angle was the medium shot, this was often used if the character was sitting, or if the character was eating, basically something that didn't require that much movement. The last common camera angle is Wide shot when a character was walking or opening a door, or talking to another character.
In this movie, the characters wore things like corsets, which looked like the setting was in the 19 hundreds. The way they styled their hair was also, weird, the girls had their hair up and it looked like their hair had a lot of volumes. Their acting also said they were in history as, they used terms like mother, young ladies, and traditions. The setting they were in also said they were in some old fairy tale, as there were no cars, or transportation, just horses, there were also no tall buildings, no paved roads, no lights, and there were lots of trees everywhere.
The Editing in this movie that we found unique was the rat's ability to talk, and the way the rats moved, you can tell they were made using SFX. The use for magic being incorporated in the movie also was common editing, and the glass slipper was unusually sparkly.
Some elements we noticed in the movie were, the ability to talk to animals, everything just works out, the ability to break in the song, the ability to use magic.
Some elements we might want to incorporate are the ability to talk to animals and the ability to use magic.
The element that didn't appeal to me was the ability to break into song because we won't be able to use it as we are not creating a musical, the other element that didn't appeal to me was that everything just works out in the end, not all fantasy movies are like this, so that doesn't mean that our has to amend to this element.
We still have more research to do on this genre, and we can't wait to see what we find next. Hopefully, everything goes well. Wish us luck!
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