Planning: Other Information

Location: Oakland Park Library

Participants: Madelyn, Kennedy, Tasmia 

Schedule: Available to Film March 18th to  March 28th 

02/18/22: We did the necessary research for our movie 

02/23/22: We wrote the script

02/24/22: We will have the planning done in regard to props, costumes, scheduling, location list, and backup plans.

02/25/22: We planned our title design 

03/4/22: The storyboard needed for this movie will be done to make sure it lasts

 3/18/22 to 3/28/22: we will film the movie. 

 On 3/29/22 we will begin to edit the movie 

Back-Up Plan: In case the library isn’t available for filming, we decided to film at Madelyn’s House as our backup plan.

Health and safety:

Since there will be a lot of running in the movie. We will make sure there is a first aid kit on site. There will also be grown-ups on-site to make sure we are safe and don't hurt ourselves. 


Running shoes


Book holder… playing the mysterious object 

Construction paper 

Tennis ball


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