Editing: Almost done!
My group and I were able to communicate about how the editing will be done. Turned out, that all three of us were able to work on it. There were some difficulties with the editing, but that was mainly due to using new editing software. After getting past the initial hindrance, I was able to access my email and open up the project that saved our previous edits. I looked through some of the clips on my phone and uploaded them to the site.
I trimmed some more scenes to better fit the timing. There was this one scene where one of my groupmates ran into a wall. So, I cut the last few seconds for a normal running scene and adjusted the running sound effects. After that, however, I ran into some issues. Some of the edits didn't save which I found out when my groupmates asked if anyone deleted some of the scenes. Turned out, that no one deleted them, there was some sort of glitch in the site. But, after putting the scenes back in, the sit was able to save the changes.
Finally, I researched several different audio sampling sites. It was hard finding a good one to use that was also free because the majority of them required payment. Then, I remembered that my Music Tech teacher had provided us with several different sites that I could use. Going back to the given sites, I was able to find several different audios that worked well in their respective scene. There was one scene where I was running on a playground that had mulch on the ground, and I tried to find 'running on mulch' sounds. However, there were very few sounds that involved mulch and were unfitting. I had to improvise and found audio that was labeled 'running on snow' and tested it out to see if it fit with the scene. After approval of its use, I added regular running sounds to the other running scenes.
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