I thought my group and I were almost done before, but after further discussion, we had more left to do. Looking through the film, I noticed that it was missing most of the titles. So, to change that I decided to group together with my group and edit together. At first, Kennedy couldn't access the project. So I helped her out by forwarding the email with the project on it to her. After a few minutes and accessing the wrong email, she was able to successfully find the project to resume editing. Firstly, I started listing off all the required title designs and checked off the ones our film already had. So far, I checked off the titles. This included the name of the studio, name of the production company, actor names, film titles, music by, edited by, and directed by. The only ones left were: produced by, story by, and written by. That is what I will be doing today, adding in all the missing titles. After my groupmates add in any additional and necessary scenes, I will be able to prop...